Black Ops

Black Ops

Black Ops

Black Ops out on 2010 on the first day it sold over 300 milllion copies.

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I can analyze galaxies and the differences between galaxies. I will compare the Milky Way Galaxy to other types of galaxies.

Have you ever looked through a telloscope and looked at the stars at night. have you asked yourself is it different up there, is it like the milky way? here you will find out.

Spiral galaxies which is the milky way is like a floating disk in space, but it has bump or bulge in the middle. Spiral galaxies have spiral arms wrap around this bulge in the middle. Spiral arms form, because of the waves that sweep through the disk shaped. Like the waves on the ocean, these waves called density waves don't carry any material with them. Density waves squeeze clouds of interstellar gas, causing new stars to be made. Some newborn stars are massive, hot, and bright, so they make the spiral arms appear bright. These massive stars are blue or white, so the spiral arms look like these colors. The gaps between the arms contain older stars, which are not as bright.

Elliptical galaxies are named elliptical galaxies because they have elliptical shapes, they look like fat, eggs or footballs. Stars in ellipticals do not spread out into a thin disk like the spiral galaxies, instead they wrap evenly around the galaxy's center in all directions. Ellipticals have smoothly varying brightnesses, with the degree of brightness steadily decreasing outward from the center. If you look at an ellipse-shaped surface that surrounds the center of an elliptical, all the stars on that surface will have similar brightnesses. Elliptical galaxies are also nearly all the same color, somewhat redder than the Sun.

The final class of galaxies, "irregulars," contains a hodgepodge of shapes anything that looks neither spiral nor elliptical. Any galaxy with no identifiable form whose stars, gas, and dust are spread randomly is classified as irregular. Irregulars are the smallest galaxies, and they may contain as few as one million stars.

There are many galaxys out there, but there has been no galaxy like with ours.

"Stars and Galaxies - Different Types of Galaxies - Bob the Alien'sTour of the Solar System ." Bob the Alien's Tour of the Solar System. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2011.
"CLASSIFICATION." Cornell Astronomy. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2011.
I can identify key technological advancements that helped in making our knowledge of space expand. My research will show the past, but I will also predict what future advancements may stretch our limits even more.

Have you ever looked up at the sky, and see the stars and ask is there something out there. Since ancient Greece man just like us, has been interested in space, what is up there, how did it form, and how does it affect us?

These questions is what power us to learn more and more about space and what can or could be up there. We started looking at the skies with our eyes, and then we invented telescopes. “A telescope is a reflection of mirrors that help us see further in distance then with our eyes”. Eventually those little telescopes increasingly got bigger more advanced and more useful powerful enough to see other galaxies. We also started tracking the movements of objects in space, like the sun, moon, and other planets to see how the solar system works. Our research had let us to know or understand how the moon moves, and how it affects us. We started to spend money on ships that first would circle the earth then other planets then it would help us explore the galaxy! It all started Russia launch sputnik 1 during the cold war. Soon the US and Russia spent millions of dollars to send things into space. The US and Russia sent thousands of things in to space people, animals, satellites, anything you could thick of. But our greatest accomplishment is when we sent the first man to the moon. We were the first and only country to do this. Soon after we accomplishment and built the Hubble Space Telescope and it changed the way we look at space today. It has taken pictures from thousands of miles away. It costs 94 million dollars a piece. But I think that we still are going to want to go deeper into space and learn as much as possible. Like the mystery of black holes. So we are still going to continue our improvements in technology, and maybe even a completely new way to travel through space. one advancement that I can think of is to make traveling into space faster, having the ability to have our astronauts stay in space longer, and hopefully go deeper into space.

Every day we are thinking of new was to see and travel farther in space and less costly than now. Maybe soon than you think we can be out and traveling through space.

"The Hubble Space Telescope." Astrophys-Assist Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2011.