Black Ops

Black Ops

Black Ops

Black Ops out on 2010 on the first day it sold over 300 milllion copies.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Problem: How does the same ball accelerate down different angled ramps

Hypothesis: The steeper ramps will cause the ball to accelerate more than the less steep ones because in my experience of testing gravity the bigger the angle the farther it will go.

Materials: rubber ball, 75 centimeters long inclined plane, 2 timers, calculator or pencil and paper =)

Cv: Toy car, ramp, protractor, way car is released down ramp, friction of ramp.
Iv: angle of ramp
Dv: Rate of acceleration and the speed of the toy car.

Gather materials
Place mark 10 cm from the end of the ramp
Place ramp at a 25 degree angle
Place ball at the top of the ramp
Release the ball (without pushing it) as your partner starts the first timer
When the ball reaches the 10 cm mark start timer 2
When ball reaches bottom stop both timers
Record total time and 10 cm time
Repeat steps 3-9 two more times
Repeat steps 3-9 three more times with 35 degree angle
Repeat steps 2-9 three more times with 45 degree angle
Use the formula
Acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity)/time
To find the acceleration of each trial
Use the formula
Distance/ time= speed
To find the speed of each trial
Clean up

My hypothesis was correct on that the heaviest ball won. The ball did go faster the higher angle the ramp was. balls like everything else are effected by gravity therefore they get pulled to the heaviest object around. When the ramp was at the lower angles gravity couldn't make the ball go as fast because of the ramp holding it up. When the ramp was at the steeper angle gravity was pulling on the ball the same way but with less to stop the car from falling.

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