Black Ops

Black Ops

Black Ops

Black Ops out on 2010 on the first day it sold over 300 milllion copies.

slide show

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Experiment and explain How do newtonslaws of motion apply to the physical world.

It applies to the real world through a lot of things like cars, toys, people, and almost anything that is made of matter. So if a person is standing still and another guy comes and pushes you that's an unbalance and the person standing still is going to fall over. Many toys need an unbalanced force to get it to work like a bouncy ball it needs an unbalanced force to make it bounce. A car uses the power of the engine to make it go farward. A object at rest will stay at rest until gravite or an unbalansed comes and moves it.
The surface of the legos are bumpy which is more friction that the ball has to go down which makes the balln become more slow and might stop the ball in motion and the ball is going to take longer time to trave down the slope or gape to get where it has to go. But with the flat rapes and legos we can make the ball go farther and still have low to none Energy forcing the ball. It well slow down the ball but it well keep moving with all the flat legos. The gravitational pull well make the ball continue going down the ramp with the flat panals the ball will go super far.

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